Saturday, December 28, 2013

Best customer experience award goes to GLOBE

I was checking my facebook newsfeeds today and this article caught my attention. Click here for the article.

GLOBE, yes as in the one of the Philippines largest telco  bagged the best customer experience award from 2013 World Communication Awards. Well, Congratulations!. But I must confess, I am surprised. I don't call customer service hotlines that much, I am a prepaid Globe user, but when I called Globe before I must say that I did not get that best customer service experience they are talking about. It's not that I experienced a bad service from them, but I found it just soso.

Well as to my friends, who were also Globe users, they said they had really really bad experiences with Globe's Customer Service. I think the word customer service in general, does not only apply to the Customer service hotline, of course there is the website and also the kiosks and the centers which also offer assistance for frustrated, irate and not-so-smart customers.

Well I would like to check if this time, if I will call them, they will offer me a world class customer service experience. I will ask them some basic questions and let's see if I will have one.  Here is the video.

My verdict:

Well, I would like to have a brief comment about the customer service I just experienced. I think the representative was not friendly, she is kind of hurrying up and she also interrupted me. I am not truly familiar about roaming, so I have no idea if she was really giving me the correct infos. However, I was kind of disappointed when she can't send those instructions to me and she just let me take note of it. I mean, those instructions are hard to follow to most filipino customers.

Well maybe, I am just one of the unlucky few, who did not experience the World Class Customer service of Globe. Nevertheless, I would still like to congratulate Globe once again for making it, for beating other networks like Smart, Sun and other international telcos. Job well done. :)

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